Tela Network Strategic Policy Document
"Tela Network is building a digital space that rewards human attention."

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions - please contact Isaac Piano on Tela:
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In one sentence:
Tela Network is building a digital space that rewards human attention.
In one paragraph:
Tela Network is a network of consultants and contributors building a digital space that protects and rewards human attention. Tela Network’s ventures include the Tela messaging app, the Tela Network Podcast, and the GreatInsights Minicast. Common among these ventures is the aim to protect and reward human attention from an internet of noise. The aims of Tela Network are to expand its platform of revaluing human attention and to construct a resilient network of collaboration.
The Tela Network Strategic Policy Document is a 'Living Document'. If you have any questions, comments, or corrections - please contact Guillermo Pablos Murphy on Tela:
1. Introduction
Tela Network’s mission is to reward human attention. The Tela messaging app allows users to monetize their inbox. The Tela Network Podcast is a concise and carefully prepared platform hosted by our consultants. The GreatInsights Minicast is our curated library of ideas that inspire the network. Further ventures will align with Tela Network’s mission.
2. Background
The flow of information is the engine of human activity. The digital platforms of the Internet are mining human attention for profit. Platforms restrict access and control outputs, moulding their platforms to host optimally distracting content. On the internet of noise, Tela Network is narrowing the channel through which information flows, revaluing human attention and building a space for smarter, more efficient collaboration.
3. Aim
- The aim of Tela Network is to build ventures that reward human attention and shield it from digital stimuli-static.
- The aim of Tela Network is to build a resilient network of remote-first, but not remote-only, contributors and consultants.
4. Diplomacy Strategy
- Run as lean as possible. Do only what is necessary. Extra paperwork is an obstacle to discovering the set of actions that deliver a success.
- Network Diplomacy will follow a business development strategy: Making connections and networking with journalists (technology editors), consultants (lawyers, art dealers, financial managers etc.), and other professionals.
- Diplomats have the discretion to offer shares in Tela Network as a way to develop trust between Tela and prospective partners. Tela Network views the exchange of shares as a step towards building trust.
- Tela Network is focused on forming strategic partnerships with external stakeholders, companies, and exchanges.
5. Marketing Strategy
- Legitimacy is the ability to communicate our vision without impediment and with authority. Legitimacy is the most crucial element of Tela Network’s marketing strategy. Everything we do must further Tela Network’s legitimacy.
- Tela Network does not wish to convince the majority of people, rather Tela Network will persuade key personalities in governments, journalists, content creators and professionals that it is the solution to the over-digitalised, noise-saturated environment in which we live.
- The current elements of the marketing strategy are: Tela Network Podcast, GreatInsights, Business Development Outreach and Tela Blog.
6. Administration
- All who receive messages via the Tela messaging app will receive payment for the messages they receive.
- The primary focus will be on listing industry professionals as consultants on Tela Network. Creating a Tela account will allow them to create a Tela link.
- A Tela Token is to be developed and issued to consultants. This token will run on Ethereum and be available on Uniswap.
- Regular podcasts to be released and regular articles to be published on Tela Blog to maintain content creation and to provide a platform for new contributors.
7. Execution
Phase 1:
The release of version 2.0 of the Tela messaging app and the subsequent marketing of the redesign to journalists, government officials, and other professionals.
Phase 2:
Further recruitment of content creators and contributors for the development of Tela Blog and podcast creation. Integration of Tela Network with strategic partners in order to develop legitimacy. Development and release of the Tela Token.
8. Roles
Nicholas Piano - CEO, Founder (Consultant Profile)
St John Piano – CMO, Blockchain Researcher (Consultant Profile)
Isaac Piano – Network Diplomat, Business Development Manager (Consultant Profile)
Guillermo Pablos Murphy - Network Diplomat, TelaBlog Editor (Consultant Profile)
If you have any questions about Tela Network - please contact StJohn Piano on Tela:
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