Opportunities for Collaboration at Tela

You can micro-consult on anything: Your field of expertise, your content, your published work, your viewpoint, and your general advice.

Opportunities for Collaboration at Tela

Hello, and thank you for your interest in Tela.

Executive Summary: Tela is a tool for micro-consulting. You will only receive a message if the sender has paid you first.

We have various opportunities for collaboration available.

๐Ÿ“ฉ If any of them interest you, please contact me here:


StJohn Piano
CMO @ Tela Network

โ˜•๏ธ Follow Tela Network on LinkedIn:

๐Ÿ’Ž Tela is a tool for micro-consulting. You can sign up here:

1) Tela is a tool for micro-consulting

You can micro-consult on anything: Your field of expertise, your content, your published work, your viewpoint, and your general advice.

All of this is powered by Tela, a new messaging platform.

You don't need to check the app - you'll get a summary email when people contact you. You can choose how often you'll get the summary email.

Tela provides you with a paid public contact link, which looks like this:


You can include this link on your website, Github, Youtube, Substack, social profiles, etc, with a label such as "Book a micro-consult".

When a visitor clicks this link, they will enter a paid chat with you.

They must pay you before you receive any messages.

๐Ÿ‘‰ A quick overview of Tela, with screenshots:

๐Ÿ“บ Watch a demo of Tela:

Example: The Tela Network podcast includes Tela contact links in the episode descriptions.

Example: My LinkedIn profile has a "Book a micro-consult" link at the top.

I also include a signature in my posts and comments on social platforms. This signature includes this line and an appropriate link:
๐Ÿ‘‰ Book a micro-consult with StJohn Piano here:


StJohn Piano on LinkedIn: Greatly enjoyed discussing the Ukraine War and Information Tactics withโ€ฆ
Greatly enjoyed discussing the Ukraine War and Information Tactics with Isaac Piano. We're watching a new generation of warfare play out, and everyoneโ€ฆ


On Tela, you only receive messages if the sender pays you first for your time and attention.

We believe that this is the future of Internet collaboration.

If productive people can protect their attention from the flood of messages and notifications, they can prioritize the tasks that really matter.

They can also make themselves available to the public for micro-consulting.

This will unlock new ways of working together effectively.

๐Ÿ’Ž Tela is a tool for micro-consulting. You can sign up here:

2) Business Partnerships

We will interview you about your business and write a partner profile for your business, and promote it on social platforms.

How would you describe your business in a single clear sentence ?

Example: Matthias Isler

Matthias Isler helps entrepreneurs to build and scale their digital products and business.

Matthias Isler, Fractional CTO
โ€œAs an entrepreneur, your most valuable resource is often time.โ€

Complete list of Tela Partners:

Partners - Tela Blog
Businesses, ventures, and content creators.

Our main requirement is that your Tela contact link be near the top of the profile.

We are also happy to feature interesting technical side projects as well as businesses:

AskWitt uses AI to help you explore Wittgenstein. โ€œThe boundaries of oneโ€™s language determine the extent of oneโ€™s worldโ€ - Wittgenstein

3) Tela Network

Tela Network is a business network

Today, it is increasingly difficult to operate as a lone individual.

The world has become very complex - it's too hard for a single person to understand everything.

It's best to be able to get advice, thoughts, guidance, ideas, and feedback from other people with whom you have common economic interests.

All of this is powered by Tela - it's how we talk to each other.

๐ŸŒŽ If you would like to join Tela Network, please go to:

If you are accepted:

a) We will write a consulting profile for you, and promote it on social platforms.

Here's mine:

StJohn Piano
CTO @ Solidi Cryptocurrency Exchange | CMO @ Tela Network | Blockchain Consultant

b) If you are looking for work, we will write a talent profile for you here, and promote it on social platforms.

Tela Network Talent
Talented attention is our scarcest resource. Hire it here.

Your talent profile can be anonymous.

4) Tela Blog

Tela Network creates quite a lot of content. This improves the reputation and reach of its members.

The content usually includes a micro-consulting contact link.

If you wish, you could write an article for Tela Blog.


ChatGPT: The missing piece
โ€œItโ€™s a curious thing โ€“ to see a computer generate thoughts so rich and detailed, as though a person were thinking and typing at superhuman speed.โ€
How We Map Our Thoughts and Distort Reality
โ€ณ...All frameworks are wrong, but some are useful.โ€
Embracing Determinism
โ€ณ... There is peace in the simple idea that you are where you are meant to be.โ€

5) Tela Network Podcast

We currently have 4 types of podcast episode:

a) Short scripted one-person episodes that deliver an important idea clearly and concisely.

b) Short interviews with a prepared list of questions

c) Hangouts where we discuss and explore

d) Technical demos

You can browse more content on our podcast here:

๐Ÿ‘‰ How to use Tela:

๐Ÿ“ฉ If you have any questions about Tela Network - please contact StJohn Piano:

โ˜•๏ธ Subscribe to the Tela Network Podcast:

โ˜•๏ธ Follow Tela Network on LinkedIn:

โ˜•๏ธ Follow Tela Network on Twitter:

๐Ÿ”” Join the Tela Social channel on Telegram to get every new update:

๐Ÿ“ธ Follow Tela Network on Instagram:

๐ŸŒŽ How to join Tela Network:

๐Ÿ’Ž Check out the Tela Referral Program:

๐Ÿ’น Invest in Tela: