Tuğrul Gökbel
Front-End Developer @ End Point Corporation. Ask Tuğrul Gökbel about Front-End Development, React, Redux, and Typescript.

Front-End Developer @ End Point Corporation. Ask Tuğrul Gökbel about Front-End Development, React, Redux, and Typescript.
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Ask Tuğrul Gökbel about:
- Front-End Development
- React
- Redux
- Typescript
- Swift
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Tuğrul Gökbel: Biography & Experience
A software developer who is passionate about creating responsive user interfaces.
- Front-End Developer @ End Point Corporation
- Web Developer @ CEITEC
- BSC Izmir Institute of Technology
Languages: English (Excellent), Turkish (Native)

Tuğrul Gökbel: Experience in detail
Front-End Developer @ End Point Corporation
• Helped the optimization and ongoing maintenance of Vision Port software products, orchestrating the refinement and sustained performance of the Content Management System, Vision Port Remote, and Touch Screen interfaces. Used technologies: TypeScript, React, Redux
• Helped the comprehensive redesign of the Bluestone Perennials website, applying advanced software development principles to achieve a seamless and sophisticated user interface. TypeScript, Vue.js, Vuex, Pearl
Web Developer @ CEITEC
- Developed a web application which visualizes 3D structure of molecules. Used technologies: WebGL, Three.js
Innova - IOS Bootcamp
Pazarama - React Bootcamp
IBM- Building AI Applications with Watson APIs
IBM- Introduction to Computer Vision with Watson and OpenCV IBM - Python for Data Science and AI
Dataquest.io - Data Scientist in Python
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