Digital Forums for Remote Policy-Making “Digital communities often use crude, time-consuming methods for collective decision-making.”
A Living Reading List " see if a curated and annotated reading list can help shield my attention from online stimuli-static."
Freud and the Dynamics of the Unconscious "... the mind is an arena, a sort of tumbling-ground, for the struggles of antagonistic impulses..."
Documento de Política Estratégica de Tela Network "Tela Network está construyendo un espacio digital que recompensa la atención humana."
Tela Network Strategic Policy Document "Tela Network is building a digital space that rewards human attention."
Love, Lies, and Fiction in the Soviet Union "... a perfect example of what fiction does - illustrate reality in a way a series of facts cannot..."
Notes from the Political Studies Association Undergraduate Conference 2024 "I had the honor to present my research 'Digital Forums for Policy Making' at the Political Studies Association (UK)..."