Vote for Tela Network on the Network State Dashboard
"... the successor to the nation state, a concept we call the network state..."

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions - please contact StJohn Piano on Tela:
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2024-07-04 Update

- The Network State Dashboard has deleted the Tela Network entry from their crowdsourced dashboard.
- They did not provide any explanation or notification.
- Their website does not have a direct public contact link.
- Ironically, if they were using Tela, we could pay them and ask them directly about their decision.
If you would like to have a paid public contact link like this:
Then check out the Tela messaging app here:
The article below remains unchanged.
Tela Network has joined the Network State Dashboard !
If you have a moment, please upvote Tela Network. Here's the link:
You can upvote by clicking the small box to the left of the name "Tela Network". The box contains an up arrow and the total number of votes.
The voting tool is called Canny - but you can just authenticate with Google or Facebook.
If you've already voted, perhaps you could share this page with someone who might also be interested.
Note: If you vote and the number goes down, this means that you've just undone your vote. You can click again to re-upvote.

The Network State Dashboard
The Network State Dashboard is a crowdsourced, curated list of new blockchain-powered networks.
View the whole dashboard here:
It is run by Balaji Srinivasan. Here's his bio:
Balaji S. Srinivasan is an angel investor, tech founder, and WSJ bestselling author of The Network State.
The Network State
Balaji Srinivasan wrote a highly influential book called The Network State. It outlines his view of the future development of a new type of state - one based on networks rather than nations.
Technology has enabled us to start new companies, new communities, and new currencies. But can we use it to start new cities, or even new countries? This book explains how to build the successor to the nation state, a concept we call the network state.
The Network State In One Image

This image depicts a future network state with 1.7 million people, 157 billion dollars in annual income, and a 136 million square meter footprint.
Some relevant excerpts from the book:
The first thing we notice is that a network state isn’t physically centralized like a nation state, nor limited in scale like a city state. It’s geographically decentralized and connected by the internet.
You could feasibly start this kind of country from your computer. That is, just as Facebook grew from one person’s laptop, a million-person network state that owns a global archipelago of physical territory could start as a one-person startup society
Roughly speaking, a successful network state is one that attracts aligned immigrants, and an unsuccessful network state is one that loses them.
That doesn’t mean each network state must grow to infinity, or that all states need accept the same kind of person, but that the community of network states as a whole is focused on building admirable societies that people want to join.
The future is going to be an interesting place.
If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions - please contact StJohn Piano on Tela:
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