"Generations Since..." : A Technology Chronology "... a reminder of our place in the human timeline."
Digital Forums for Remote Policy-Making “Digital communities often use crude, time-consuming methods for collective decision-making.”
The Politics Of Tomorrow - Make Your Vote Count "... I believe this research can provide practical lessons for the democratic tools of the future. I believe your voice should be heard."
Project: Scanning through the entire Bitcoin blockchain "... The story of the last 15 years is one of a steady buildup to peak throughput and size at the block ~500k, followed by a slow decline, and then a recent uptick..."
The Bitcoin Genesis Block "... This message proves that the genesis block was created on or after 3 January 2009, since Satoshi would have had to read the headline before including it in the block..."
'Participatory Design of Digital Democratic Polls': a Dissertation Proposal "... Ultimately, whether or not blockchain technology will lead to the rise of a new economic order is not—solely—a technical matter; it is, first and foremost, a political question."