
AskWitt uses AI to help you explore Wittgenstein. "The boundaries of one's language determine the extent of one's world" - Wittgenstein

DALLΒ·E 2024-09-12 09.25.41 - Prompt: "A clean-shaven man who resembles Ludwig Wittgenstein, dressed in a suit from the early 20th century, sitting at a table in a modern setting, engaged in conversation with ChatGPT, represented as a futuristic hologram."

πŸ‘‰ AskWitt in one sentence:

AskWitt uses modern language synthesis tools to make Wittgenstein's ideas more accessible.

John Underwood is the creator of AskWitt.

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πŸ‘‰ AskWitt in more detail:

πŸ”Ή You can search through the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus by Wittgenstein using advanced search techniques.

πŸ”Ή The application will summarize the concepts for you, provide an answer to your question, and show you a map of the related propositions.

πŸ”Ή The summaries and answers can be adjusted to different educational levels.

πŸ”Ή The current version of the app (Aug 2024) is powered by MongoDB Atlas, Fireworks AI and uses Nomic's text embedding model; nomic-embed-text-v1.5, and Mistral's LLM; mixtral-8x7b-instruct.

John Underwood would like to use this approach in future for exploring other works of specific domain interest.

He is open to new feature ideas and has started discussions with experts in the field of Wittgenstein's thought.

Learn more about Wittgenstein at the Ludwig Wittgenstein Project (LWP)

🟒 AskWitt: Main website

Let's look at some screenshots.

Main site:

Mobile view:

Proposition explorer:

Some initial questions:

Q: What did you mean by "if a lion could speak, we would not understand him" ?

A: This statement refers to Wittgenstein's idea that understanding a proposition requires knowing the meanings of its constituent parts. If a lion could speak, it would use words and concepts from its own experience, which would likely be vastly different from ours. Therefore, we would not be able to understand the lion's language, as we would not be able to comprehend the meanings of its words and concepts.

Q: What caused you to begin your philosophy ?

A: I started studying philosophy due to my interest in understanding and clarifying thoughts and language, as well as my desire to uncover the logical structures that underlie propositions and reality.

Q: What do you think is your most important conclusion ?

Propositions, as pictures of reality, are essential for communicating new ideas and senses, and their truth or falsehood can often be determined by their logical structure alone. The thinking subject is not separate from the world, but is rather included in the description of the state of affairs. Therefore, the totality of propositions, which make up language, can fully represent reality, including our thoughts and experiences.

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